Monday, September 5, 2011

How Does our Garden Grow?

Gardeners celebrated the first season's bounty of greens, herbs, edible flowers and new friends under the August full moon recently.  

Thanks to the rich injection of nutrients from our enormous pile of horse manure, carefully selected seed varieties, and the tremendous amount of love and care that this garden has seen this year, our beds are flourishing with tasty additions for our summer salad menus!
The squash, cabbage and beans are thriving in our hoop garden, the arugula, mizuna, tat soi, and curly cress are adding zing to our salad bowls, our swiss chard crop is prolific, the potatoes substantive,  the sweet pea blooming, the calendula robust, the bok choi adds flare, the sage offers wisdom, the stevia a sweet finish...

But most importantly...we've had lots of fun! We've made new friends, shared seeds and the secrets of the trade, made peace with the rabbits, frolicked with the aphids, experimented with living walls, and gotten creative with up-cycled materials (check out our tin can roof! and old CD scarecrows). There's always room for experimentation and innovation in the garden... where our veggies grow, smiles bloom!

We saw our first frost on August 27th, and have had a couple more since September rolled in.  Our nasturtiums, squash and amaranth are suffering frost bite, and it looks like we'll sample some fried green tomatoes this year as our season quickly nears it's end.  Lots of frost-hardy varieties still going strong though...greens and herbs abound, so keep the harvest coming!

As we approach season's end, we are beginning to develop a design for the remainder of garden and we invite your input!
What is the highlight of the garden this year?
What would you like to see more of?
What didn't work so well for you?
How would you like to be involved? Plot renter? Communal gardener?

Please let us know!

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