Thursday, June 23, 2011

GLog and Greenhouse Assembly!

The GLog is now in the green box in the garden.  Green notebook titled Garden Log'll notice different sections -
 "daily tasks" i'll try to keep a running list of what needs doing, but feel free to add to this if you notice something has been overlooked or needs tending to.
 "communal gardener sign in" to track the number of hours that have been spent in the garden
 "garden observations" a log of what you have seen and done in the garden
 "wildlife observations" any activity, damage, attractant, or whatever noteworthy behaviour you might notice.
there is one section currently untitled, and i'm thinking this should be our "water log" track how often we fill the cistern (and wicking beds) in order to monitor our seasonal useage.

with regards to water, we are using a lot as we establish our garden, keeping our seeds and seedlings moist until their roots are established. One strategy for limiting our need for water is to mulch our garden beds which is what has been done this afternoon with the bean/squash bed - you'll notice the straw the next time you're in!

we have a group project that needs doing: assemble our greenhouses! wondering if anyone is keen to do this tomorrow (Friday June 24) in the early evening (5-7pm...although i hope it doesn't take that long!)??  please respond to if you are keen, and if we have 2 or more takers let's make it a date!

1 comment:

  1. The potatoes are up, the dark green wrinkly leaves. Take a look! We'll hill them up the week of July 4. Fun. Anne
